The Full Story
About EBC
On September 22, 2013, we started Eastvale Bible Study as an answer to God's call to serve in ministry in the Eastvale Community. At that time, we embarked on a journey through the Book of Acts. Along the way, we discovered that God has called us to be His witnesses for Jesus Christ in our homes, our communities, and beyond...God has given us His Spirit to empower us to fulfill His Great go and make disciples. It is our desire that you join us as the journey continues. God has a plan for our lives and that plan includes you. Loving, Learning, and Living the life He has planned for you.
"A Win For Us Is A Soul Saved, And A Heart Changed" - Pastor James Turner
To proclaim the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ. We proclaim the message of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. We proclaim salvation in Jesus Christ alone and salvation is available to all who accept God's gracious gift.
To touch the unsaved with the love of God and reach them with the Word of God. It is our responsibility to share the love of Christ with those who are outside of the church. We believe that the Gospel is the power of salvation to save the lost.
It is our desire to wrap our arms around those disenchanted believers who have walked away from the church and love them back into the family.
​To touch the unsaved with the love of God and reach them with the Word of God. It is our responsibility to share the love of Christ with those who are outside of the church. We believe that the Gospel is the power of salvation to save the lost.
It is our desire to wrap our arms around those disenchanted believers who have walked away from the church and love them back into the family.